So this blogging business is so much harder than I ever imagined. I cannot believe my friend Ellen does it DAILY! Granted it sort of goes along with her profession, I still don't see how she finds the time. I value my sleep too much to stay awake and blog at midnight. Man, she is a trooper.
So I made it to the gym today. Lets just say it has been awhile. I climbed on the eliptical and did the fit test. It was great. I spent 25 minutes on it, and I really had to push myself at the end because my body was T.I.R.E.D, but I thought I did wonderful. That is until the stupid machine told me I was in POOR shape. Gee, thanks for the reminder. I hope that in the next month I will move up in the eliptical world from 'poor' status to maybe middle class. Okay, maybe lower middle. I have been planning on getting back to the grind for the past few months, there is no reason I cannot make it there daily. We have a family memebership that includes FREE babysitting. I get an hour for Victoria, and 2 hours for the boys. When Victoria turns 1 I will get to leave her for 2 hours also. No excuse. I am just lazy. The stupid machine says so anyway.
I thought about posting my current weight up here, but decided against it. I will just post as the pounds come off, and maybe at some point do a before and after pic. Thats gutsy!
Victoria has finally cut her first tooth, and is working on a second. I am so excited that I can put her hair in pony tails too! Gosh that girl is cute! Jacob goes to the endochronologist at the end of this month, but he has grown a half inch in a month, so hopefully he has actually decided to start growing on his own. That would be WONDERFUL! Jonathan starts soccer in a few weeks, and I am ridiculously excited for some reason. It may be because the kid is a whiz with his feet, and I can't wait for him to learn how to use this natural talent that he seems to have. It must be the strong English blood he has running through his veins!
I am still trying to adjust to Tonys new schedule. This will take some time. We do however enjoy his 8 days off in a row, and luckily this month they fall on Spring Break. We are looking to take a road trip down to Maryland to see Tony's brother and his family. Jonathan has been talking pretty nonstop about his cousins, so we thought we would try to visit. It should be an interesting trip...a few thousand miles with 3 kids? Are we insane? I am looking forward to visiting D.C. with the kids, Jonathan is quite interested in history and 'Barack Obama' and Jacob thinks "Barack Obamama rocks". I feel like a little kid waiting for this trip, as I have not been in 15 years. I figure if I enjoyed it so much at 15 when I didn't give a shit about the government and history, I will really enjoy it now.
I am done talking about nothing...and will be posting some pics of the kids here soon. So if they aren't here when you are reading this, check back soon!